Webinar: EU Competitions and Temporary opportunities: Essential steps to boost your career in the European Union
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- De 01/02/2021 ao 03/02/2021: 10 €
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“EU Competitions and Temporary opportunities: Essential steps to boost your career in the European Union”
Wednesday - 03 February 2021, 19h00 - 20h15 h CEST.
In this special webinar...
- 1- Learn what contract opportunities you have available to access the #EuropeanUnion
- 2- Learn about the competitions to become an EU permanent official.
- 3- Get to know the different exercises that you need to master to work for the European institutions.
If you have a promotion code, you can use it in the next registration step.
After your register, we will provide you with all the information to access the webinar.