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- Del 27/01/2021 al 09/02/2021: 60 €
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Yepso! Together is our formative itinerary as a group in which you will be able to acquire all the knowledge you will need in order to pass the exams and join the European Union’s workforce. Simultaneously, you will obtain a certificate of specialisation in three different areas that are of great importance at a European level: foreign affairs, European Union Law and European Union’s policies and institutions.
Yepso! Together’s costs 145,00 EUR per month + 60,00 EUR of registration fee (no minimum time commitment).
Wednesdays, from 20.00 to 21.15 CEST.
- A beginner’s methodological guide about the European Union’s Civil Service examinations.
- Training on methodology to pass the European Union’s Civil Service examinations in a reduced group of up to 7 people.
- A weekly session of 1 hour 15 minutes in which you will establish the methodical basis through a dynamic consisting of exercises (both for preparation and as examples).
- Access to our online platform, on which you will be able to carry our exercises under similar conditions to what you would find in the exam and interact with other candidates.
- A weekly mock exam.
- An extra mock exam every 15 days.
- Specific training through an advanced course in one of the following areas of interest:
- Institutional system and policies of the EU.
- EU Law.
- EU Foreign Affairs.
- Accrediting diploma certifying the Specialisation in European Civil Service and the selected area of specialisation.
- Civil Service Exam alert service.
- Glossary of legal-political terms on the institutional structure of the EU.
- Glossary on the European Union Civil Service examinations.
- Access to a weekly newsletter on job opportunities in the EU.
Yepso! Together training is divided into two complementary areas:
I. Technical and practical training to overcome the European Civil Service examinations process.
Through our training we cover all tests common to the majority of processes to join the EU’s Civil Service.
All our sessions in reduced groups are streamed. Plus, we record all sessions so you can watch it in case you are not able to attend the session and as an opportunity for you to revise concrete aspects that you may need.
Through weekly methodology sessions, you will receive specific training on:
- 1. Creation of an efficient candidacy. This training will, not only give you all keys to fulfil a good registration form, but also to apply for any job post, either in the institution or any other entity related to this scope of action. We will also teach you how to create a good CV.
- 2. Specific training on the pre-selection phase. More concretely, we will take on the methodological preparation which will allow you to overcome the tests more easily, optimising your time, in the following tests:
- Verbal reasoning.
- Numerical reasoning.
- Abstract reasoning.
- Situational judgement.
- Language comprehension.
- 3. Detailed training on the intermediate test of all examination processes. We will, more concretely, work on:
- Methodology and exercises resolution for the e-tray test.
- Critical elements to consider when fulfilling the talent screener.
- 4. Specific training on the Assessment Centre tests. We will give you all methodological keys you will need to know, and we will simulate each of the tests. With this training you will be able to succeed in passing this phase of the examination process. This phase consists of the following tests:
- Case study.
- Group exercise.
- Competency based interview.
- Motivational interview.
- Oral presentation test.
- 5. All knacks and advice that you need to obtain a post from the reserve list.
II. Specific training in a specialisation area of great importance at a European level.
The European Union’s Civil Service examinations are distinguished by the lack of a fixed and concrete syllabus. However, the greater your knowledge on the organisation and its scope of action is, the easier it will be to access them.
It is for this reason that, through Yepso! Together you will be able to train in one of the following impact areas of your choice:
- A. European Union’s policies: “Institutional system and Policies of the European Union”.
- B. European Union Law: “Principles and legal foundation of the European Union”.
- C. European Union Foreign Affairs: “European Policy and Foreign Affairs: the European Union as a global actor”.
The training on the chosen specific area will be parallel to the examination’s preparation.
Every two weeks, you will receive access to theorical materials on the concrete chosen scope through the training platform. To strengthen the acquisition and assimilation of theoretical concepts, you will have the possibility to attend, with other candidates, a group mentoring session online, each time you finish a block.
The evaluation will be done based on three different modalities of your choice (in order to favour your personal/work conciliation). The three possibilities are:
- a) a test each time you finish one of the blocks.
- b) a test at the end of the semester.
- c) a test at the end of the school year.
Once you have completed the training itinerary you will obtain an accreditive certificate of your specialty, with a value of 520 hours, in European Civil Service and the chosen specific area. Thus, the conductive diploma could be on:
- Specialist in the European Civil Service and Foreign Affairs.
- Specialist in the European Civil Service and Legal Principles of the European Union, or;
- Specialist in the European Civil Service and the Institutional System of the European Union.
This way, you will train to access to the European Union’s Civil Service at the same time that you obtain a high quality training that will allow you to strengthen your profile and obtain a deep vision on one of the aforementioned areas.
- We are people that help other people to achieve their goals. The close and attentive treatment is an indissoluble part of our philosophy.
- In 1 year, we will convey to you all the methodology and knacks that you need to apply to the European Union’s Civil Service examinations.
- Throughout your formative period you will receive more that 3500 exercises that you will complete under similar conditions to the ones you will have in the real exam.
- We opt for quality and innovation. You will benefit from all the improvements that we include in the training itinerary while you are training with us, with no additional costs.
What do our candidates day about Yepso! Together and about us?
“I like that classes are interactive and that we use examples from mock exams where most students have difficulties. I also think you are really didactive and I value a lot your availability to solve doubts"
“What I like the most is the organisation in the work dynamics (mocks and their correction, combined with the methodology sessions and doubts resolution). I also like the adaptability and flexibility of all calls”.
“The syllabus is really well structured, and classes and explanations are crystal-clear. Also, treatment couldn’t be topped”.
“Group size and weekly workload”.
“The closeness and motivation by the mentors”.
“I’ve been thinking for 5 exact minutes on hoe you could improve, and nothing comes to my mind. And I really am a fusspot. When I say I’m really happy with you it’s not to make a good impression, it really is because I have nothing to criticise. Classes are really well structured, presentations and explanations are really clear, and we also have access to the recording if we get any doubts or to revise, and you also chase us to criticise you and make you improve. I’m sorry I’m not of help”.
Yepso! Together’s fee is 145,00 EUR/month + 60,00 EUR of registration fee (no minimum time commitment).
When do we start our next group?
Yepso! Together sessions will start from the 10th of February 2021.